The Power of Manifestation Email Series
Your Thoughts And Energy Create Your Reality
When something goes wrong, you can choose to let it completely ruin your day, or move on and focus on the good things happening instead.
Each thought we have creates a series of events that form in its likeness. So if your energy is negative, you’ll attract negative experiences. If you send out happy and confident energy, that’s what you’ll receive in return.
Of course, this is easier said than done! But luckily there are strategies and exercises that can help you organize your thoughts in a way that can get you a little closer to the life you want to live. During this email series, my goal is to help bridge the gap between the lofty and sometimes intimidating concepts of the “law of attraction” and small things you can do every day to improve your life.
All you have to do is opt-in and think positive thoughts!
Meet Becki Baumgartner, The Leader of The Power of Manifestation Email Series!
I am extremely motivated to make a positive impact in the world by helping people create WELLNESS & FREEDOM.
I believe that many people settle for mediocrity when they deserve greatness, and it is my honor to help you realize your potential so that you can achieve everything you desire and more.
Hosted by:
Becki Baumgartner
Think It, Feel It, Believe It!
When you surround yourself with the images, thoughts, and feelings that build you up and block out negativity, you’ll start attracting the type of reality that you’ve always desired - one full of true happiness. I want you to understand that “reality” as you see it, is formed by the unique lens you put on it.
Once you learn how to train your thoughts to be more positive and less negative, your feelings and behaviors will follow. From there, your actions and reactions will shift your personality, and the scope of the world around you will be altered. Reality as you know it will become something much different than anything your negative self could imagine.
I feel passionate that if you set meaningful and mindful intentions, you’ll reap the results of a positive reality. But in order to actually see the process all the way through, and form your thoughts into fruition, you’ve got to believe in yourself. Allow me to explain the process with this powerful resource.
I Can’t Wait To Get Started!